Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer - Halfway over.

Summers have been measured in many different ways in years past - beginning with when the local city pool opened when I was a kid, to the last day of school (when I was a student, and when I worked in the school district) to now. With this job - summer is measured by when college interns arrive and when they leave. If that is the measuring stick, then we are over half way through "summer" - as they arrived mid May, and leave after the 1st week in August. We have accomplished many things - mission trips, camps, service days in the local community, fun times in the office and lots more that probably only mean something to the people involved. About this time each year, I get alittle melancholy - not in a depressing way, just thoughtful.

After the last post, I spent a week at camp - with the high school students - in the mountains of New Mexico. I was unsure of that trip - having not been to camp since I was 10 or 12. But as soon as we walked off the bus, I was sold on it. My boss had been out of the office on a mission trip for a week prior and seeing him made me realize how special our office is - how much we are a family - how much we work hard, tease alot, play some and enjoy our time together. College interns arrive for the summer and we learn about them and their families, and we just grow by 3 more members. I am blessed to go on a mission trip with 60 Juniors and Seniors in high school, and learn more about their lives - and my family grows again. (One super big blessing the past 2 years has been sharing this with Cassidy. She has been such a treasure on these trips - more than a daughter, more than a "trip sponsor", but a true friend.) Then 75 more members of my "family" spend a week at camp learning more about "family" and sharing joys and sorrows.
Tonight, another aspect of my "family" met - my care group church family. We are united in our faith, and we have parallel parent and children situations, and it's good to share experiences, feats and sometimes failures.

Most of you know I am an only child - and sometimes, I am sad with that position - having no siblings to share duties, stories and concerns. But parts of my other "families" have stepped in to fill those gaps, and given me strength - and hope.
I'm so thankful for my own 2 children - who show me they love me - who allow me to be a part of their lives - and who help me battle my feelings of being inadequate. I struggle often with those emotions. I wish my house was better (not quality, but in being picked up and I could be comfortable with anyone walking into any room at anytime), and I had more control. Maybe one day.

So summer - it's been good - the first half. Having friends who offer their pools to come enjoy a casual afternoon or evening of swimming, friends who genuinely ask how the family is doing - friends who care - make it clear that life is indeed good.