Sunday, September 26, 2010


.... time has been kind.  After the fast pace of summer, September has been a good month.  Oh, not that it's been boring either!  August closed out with a trip to Harlingen for a grandson's birthday party, a quick shopping trip to Mexico, and an afternoon on Padre Island with 3/4ths of my family. 
 Home for a great holiday weekend, and then a fast trip to Colorado with a fun traveling friend!~  I don't think I'd know what to do with a fully planned out trip - with more than a week or so to put in place.  My favorite trips have been the ones where you decide, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we went to....?"  The biggest blessing is that I'm married to an American Airlines instructor - who lets me use all the flight benefits I want.  (Well, maybe not all I want, because I'd "want" to go somewhere every weekend!)  So, the past month has landed me on the beach, and then in the mountains.  The question now is.. "Where to next?"  (Actually, I have October weekends already planned:  Ranger/Angel games this coming weekend, a family wedding in Hearne Oct 9-10, a hopeful trip back to Harlingen the next weekend, a Memorial walk for the Alzheimer's association to honor some very special people, and then a HUGE church garage sale that will take up the entire last week of the month.)    Ah, Fall brings a new energy.

Recently... I've enjoyed 2 relaxing Sundays.  Waking up to 2 cups of coffee (from freshly ground beans), reading the Sunday newspaper and watching football AND the Texas Rangers baseball teams - has been wonderful.  On top of that, I've spent time with a great friend from our days in Llano, had separate meals with family:  i.e. dinner with my son, lunch with my mom and a separate dinner with my daughter and son-in-law.  And to top it all - we sat together in worship, and shared a meal with our friends - and their friends to cap off last night.  I know I am blessed - that I have been given a wonderful life, with wonderful family and friends.  I hope to always remember that - even in the days when it doesn't feel like it - I need to remember it.  "Things" will never replace family and friends.   Proverbs 15 reminds me:   "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart."  For those of you reading this - consider this blog a 'cheerful look', because you do bring joy to my heart.