Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School?

Not me!  The school district where my children went for most of their lives and where I worked for almost 11 years began teacher inservice training today and it brings mixed emotions.  First, it began with convocation held at the church where I work, so I was able to sample just a taste of what I sat through so many times.  Second, so many of my past co-workers and friends included me in the lunch plans - another "taste" of what I experienced for so many years.  And third - I have an excitement for my own child who is part of that world of shaping the world of deaf children, as an employee in this world of education.  It is one more piece of the puzzle that you never can predict how it will fit one day.

Many of the "kids" that I have loved for many years are back on college campuses - either as new freshmen, eagerly beginning orientation, or as returning upperclassmen, who are working to "orient" those new freshmen.  Some are still here - ready to embark on their journey:  some will remain here - for reasons we are yet to understand.  One more will return to her campus - with a slew of hard decisions to make.

The "kids" who have many more days (some years) before graduation would probably say they are sad to see summer go.  Probably sad to see the late nights leave for early morning alarms, sad to see carefree nights turn into homework and projects and sad to begin to feel the stress of growing up that is closing in.    As an extra set of eyes that is watching all of them - I'm thrilled to say I'm proud of them - proud of the people they are becoming and proud of the activities they are choosing to participate in. 

The summer has given me many memories - and I'm anxious to make even more.  I'm ready for some bleacher sitting - to cheer for some volleyball, some football, some basketball, and some amazing band marching. Along the way, I get to witness another family member choosing to marry the girl he loves, and spend another Saturday with some of my closest friends that I've had for most of my life.  I realize we all make choices - some good, some awesome, and some we probably wish we could "do-over".  Right now, I'm choosing to enjoy the calm - excited to be watching my beloved Texas Ranger baseball team, surrounded by 3 dogs that think I'm kinda special, and getting to read as much or as little of the day's news that I want.  The life of a dog... at least our dogs - is enviable.  But then, they don't get to meet and spend time with all those "school" people I do!

Where did I put that Diet Dr. Pepper again?  :)

Ryder... one of the 4 dogs who is in my life....

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