Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is it already February 2011?

As much as I do enjoy writing, it has to be "when the spirit moves me" kind of day.  Guess the 5th "snow/ice" day out of  9 is a good prompter!
It's been busy - these last few months - all by choice.  I've looked for a Travel Template to show my emotions, but guess I'm not THAT computer savy!  :)

Since I last wrote, we had that awesome church Garage Sale, where my church family raised/pledged over $10 million dollars to build/send/launch Greater Things all over the world.  I reveled in the hoopla about the World Series, hung onto every broadcast and am so proud of "My Texas Rangers"!  Thanksgiving was different this year:  Joel worked, and both kids were at other family events, so I enjoyed lots of coffee, a bowl of soup and lots of football!  We all gathered that Sunday night for our family meal - weird and not impressive.
Yes, Mama Mia on Broadway!
Cassidy and I took a quick trip to New York with a mutual friend the beginning of December - and caught The Radio City Rockette's Christmas Show and Mama Mia on Broadway.  Ate some AMAZING food and loved being in THE city with Christmas all around.  Pure delight.

Yes... Times Square.  Do you ever get enough of that place?  I didn't!
Even at midnight in 28 degree weather!
The Schrimshers were all together for our Christmas morning (the kids even spent the night here so we'd all wake up and celebrate together)!  I was blessed to have 11 days off from work - vacation time (Yippee!) and loved having no alarms.

January was really on the go!  Cassidy and I ventured to the other coast - to Los Angeles, CA.  Our first time there, and yes, it was amazing.  Drove down the Pacific Coast Highway, met up with a great friend, took tours of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, downtown LA and the Staple Center, among other places, ate some awesome food, took hundreds of pictures, and sat in the seats of Academy Award winners at the Kodak Theater.

Walking back from Venice Beach - a Venice Canal!  In California!

THE Hollywood Sign - from Griffith Park
The next weekend, Joel and I flew to visit Brett, Melissa and the boys, and loved laughing with them (and visiting South Padre Island!)
All 6 of us, at Bob's World - courtesy of Bowen's request!  On the way to Port Isabel and South Padre Island.

Following that, my American Airlines travel buddy and I took off for San Diego, CA.  As much as I LOVE New York City, San Diego is my 2nd favorite place to be.  Could sit and watch the Pacific all day at La Jolla Cove.  THAT will definitely be a repeating destination!
The USS Midway.  Why does my heart jump when I think of the magnitude of service and sacrifice
 that was experienced on this great vessel?

At La Jolla Cove.  What an amazing place!

We came home just in time for the massive DFW Super Bowl hype, which occcured in the middle of a Texas weather anomaly - FOUR DAYS OF ICE AND SNOW!  No school, no work, and not too much positive production!  I'm looking forward to 50 degree weather Saturday - because I have another plane to catch!  To meet some more fantastic WHS friends for lunch - to remember, to laugh, to be together once again.  A day to make my heart happy.

Today is another "inclement weather" day - once more, no school, no work.  So instead, I drink coffee while sitting in front of the fireplace and write this.

And pray..  praying for very special friends who are facing some tough medical issues.  Which makes me remember:  This body is frail, decaying for all of us... and this world is not our home.  It is a blessing to love, and to be  loved, and to know that there is always Joy in the "mourning".    Through the technology of 2011, we get to share, laugh, cry and pray with and for each other here - through the blessing of internet.  I'm so glad I have you to do all these things with!

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