Friday, August 24, 2018

In the Storm(s)

There are 2 storms raging inside tonight.
The 1st one has been churning for years, but affects a much smaller crowd.  And is 3,821 miles away.

The 2nd one will come and go, affecting thousands and thousands, and is only 300 miles away from my blog writing at the moment.

Cassidy and Jeremy have been in an infertility storm, keeping it to themselves for a long while, then realizing the importance of sharing with friends and gaining their support.  She has been writing a blog where you can learn about their story, if this is news to you.  (Doubtful, that you wouldn't have heard yet.)
Another appointment today (this one post op), and an update to the original (post-op) doctor's explanation.  Did the doc change anything?  Yes.  No.
Added to, yes.
Worse news?  nope.
Back on fertility meds, follow nature's plan and return in 4 months if needed.  (My smart adult readers have read between the lines on this one...)  ๐Ÿ‘
If you know Cassidy, you know she has been a baby whisperer for at least 15 years.  She babysat babies, she played with them, loved them, wanted them, and has done all possible to have them for the past 5-6 years of their 10 year marriage.  She found THE doctor - one she has identified with, trusts and follows all his instructions.  And it is between her, Jeremy, and the doctor...  right?
Also, if you know Cassidy, you know she has read all the medical reports, asked all the possible medical questions, and knows medicine more than I ever would.  The hardest part of being the mom in this storm is being so far away.. and I don't mean in miles.  Her story is not mine.  Even tho' she is my child, her body is not mine.  And her right to her story is just that - HER story.  For everyone who has asked about her:  Thank You.  For everyone who prays for them, Thank You.  And in case you want to offer anything else, please.... just pray.  This will mean everything.

Tonight, this storm is closer to us than I ever thought it would be.  The week before we left Texas, I was a bit overwhelmed.  With work, with baseball, with packing.  I looked at the weather... I saw some rain.  I packed those throw away ponchos just in case.  NO WHERE did I ever see the word HURRICANE.  Since Monday night, I have learned more than I ever wanted to about the Hawaiian islands... location, distance, trade winds, outer rain bands, wind shear, swells and storm surges, landslides vs mudslides, windward vs leeward.  My Texas (and mainland) friends have asked how we are.  We are fine.

Lane has not come near enough to know any difference - at least yet.  Before he came close to the Big Island, he was a Category 5, and now is a Cat 3. He was supposed to be here last night, then tonight, now tomorrow night.  We have been told to stay inside, have a gallon of water per person for 14 days.
Wait.. 14 days?  But I'm supposed to be at work in 4 days!  We have some water.. we have some food, a full tank of gas, and so far ~ we have electricity and internet.  It's hard to get overly worried after we watched the impact of Hurricane Harvey on our family and friends.  Our biggest concern?  Don't laugh - it's fighting all the full flights to get off the island and back to the mainland.  Any city is good:  LAX, PHX, SFO, DFW.  If we get "there", we can get "home" easier.  Yeah, I know.... FirstWorldProblems.  I've had 2 beautiful days on a beach in a place God made because He loves us.  We've seen history, beauty, sunrises and sunsets.  We leisurely drove a long shoreline watching surfers, kiteboarders, Americans, Japanese, Australians.   All in front of a storm that the media tells us to be afraid of.

What scares us?
Not infertility.
Not a hurricane.
What makes us happy, and long for peace?  Babies and calm:  Calm weather and calm minds.

Cassidy and I have traveled a lot together.  One of my favorite trips was where we packed for a very cool September weekend to watch Twins baseball in Minneapolis and ended up in Hot Atlanta with the Braves.  Life throws us curve balls.  It's how we react after we swing at the pitch that counts.  Sometimes it's a strike out in a storm, sometimes it's a home run.
Our Atlanta trip was every bit a triple, run scoring trip.

In a year from now, we will have memories of these storms too.  I'm confident Joel and I will be back in Texas.  I want to be just as confident Cassidy will be rocking a newborn.  Hers and Jeremy's first child.  And we will all look back at August 2018, and remember.  Remember the journeys - the people who truly lifted us up, supported us along the way, and the God who leads us out of these storms.

Two Instagram posts that have resonated with me today ~
1) From Taya Kyle:  The sun rises and sets And I love you.
2) Zephaniah 3:17:  With His love, He will calm all your fears.

Thank you for reading.  Cassidy tells me I'm too wordy.  :)
Maybe she's right.  But then, if you reached this sentence, maybe you disagree, and she's wrong.
Either way - like I referred to about her storm and her story- you don't need to respond.
My writing is mostly for me anyway.  It helps with my own storms inside.

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