Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Post

Sitting in church tonight, I remembered all the times I wanted to start a blog, and never did. So many things interrupt my thoughts and time gets away from me. (Don't ask why it hit me so boldy tonight, of all nights.) Maybe some of these things led to this - tonight's beginning:

A precious family sat in front of us - who has a wonderful son with Downs Syndrome. I haven't seen him in quite a long time, and when Cassidy pointed out what he was doing - it touched my heart. He was going through the "Blue Book" - the traditional hymnal songs - writing a list of songs he wants on his iPod. Why don't I have any of those songs on MY iPod? I wish I was more like him. Precious.

After Rick's sermon, he offered the traditional opportunity for anyone needing prayers to come to one of the special people standing around the auditorium. Several responded - several more needed it. One young woman came to a man standing to the side - hands out in praise. Was he one of the "designated" members of the prayer team? No. Was he surprised to see her coming to him for prayer? Maybe. Did he respond correctly? Absolutely. He listened to her heart, and he prayed. I wish I was more like him.

Tyson mentioned earlier in the week he was thinking about coming to church with us tonight - us: meaning Joel, Cassidy, Jeremy, Mom and me - the family we have here - that's left. I didn't say anything to anyone - not wanting to disappoint anyone (my mom), and not wanting to be disappointed. When he came in, we all moved so that he stood next to Grandma. Her excitement was heard several pews away, and the light from her heart lit up the room. Was it vital that he be sitting on our pew? No. It sure was vital for us all to be together tonight. He walked in a tad late - past a couple of security men - who gave him the "once over". He didn't respond. He walked in like he belonged there - which he did. Do I wish I had more of his acceptance of others that don't look like him? You bet.

One of Rick's statements still lingers in my mind. He said we cannot give what we do not have. What is that? Love. The title tonight? Give It a Rest - and my side note - Let God Love You. Another of his *points* - Confidence is one of the products of an uncondemning heart. I sure wish I had more confidence - which would mean that my heart does not easily condemn. Sure need to work on the confidence more. ;)

Cassidy is happier than I've seen her in years. I think Jeremy is the key to that. She is content - even in the midst of not having a job, a house, a dependable paycheck, any medical insurance, etc etc etc. But she is happy. I have all of that - and sometimes I wonder what happiness really is. Seeing them everyday is fun - bright - and cheery.

(So Cassidy just walks in and asks, "Are you blogging? What is your title?" When I tell her she says I sound like a depressing old woman. Do I? Sure hope not. It's just that as I do get older, I see things in a much different light. I realize we live in a fallen and broken world, but I do know that there is always hope. This post isn't meant to sound depressing, it's just thoughts. Are there really rules for writing in a blog?)

Enough for tonight - for a first post. Those who know me realize I write too much - talk too much and sometimes worry too much. Wouldn't it be funny if anyone thought I loved too much? If only..

Oh one more note: The World Health Organization has eveyone in a state of panic about the swine flu at this time. I guess the frenzy over the falling economy isn't enough to distract us. So we need to worry about this. I'd rather laugh about the fun times Cassidy, Carmen and I had in Canton today - with those people there who would rather shop for a wood plaque or dog collar than worry about a disease that only affects .0000003 of the US population. Just a note of what is in the national headlines.

Love you all... without doubt...

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