Saturday, September 5, 2009

Too many...

Too many of what? Calories, Bills, Worries, Thoughts... A, B, C, D, or E ~ All of the above? I choose E.
Heard a wonderful sermon tonight -"Living the Worry Free Life" based on Matthew 6. As typical sermons go, there were 3 points.. 1. Don't let Worry Overcome you. 2. Make trusting God a Priority over worry. 3. Always build on the right Foundation. You get the idea, right? One statement he (Drew Sherman) made was "Every one builds a house (life) and Every house faces a storm." He related the biblical story of building your house on the rock, not on sand to the childhood story of The Three Little Pigs. Hmm. Never put those 2 stories side by side. And the natural question is why do we build on sand, not on rock? And why do we cower when the big bad wolf tries to blow our house down? Why do we worry about things that we know God is in control of? Why do we put ourselves in positions to worry unnecessarily? Bills, Calories.. those we have more control of. Thoughts, and Worries... who controls those?
This post has no real answers - at least not the ones we want.

I am grateful that my children are safe, have food and shelter, friends who love them and this family that adores them. As much as I wish I wouldn't worry about them, it happens. Anyone around have any ideas on how NOT to do this? All I can try to do is give them to God. Because really - they've belonged to HIM all along.

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