Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Boss's Day, A Wedding, and the State Fair

The calendar (or is it Hallmark Cards) shows Boss's Day as October 16. That was last Friday and it just came and went. (My boss actually wasn't in the office on Friday, so it was easy to overlook the calendar date.) So today, Susan and I decided to celebrate Boss's Day - a few days late - tomorrow. We talked about options, and came up with a basket idea - a variety of things - to hopefully show all of them how important they are. One thing I wanted to do was bake some cookies... from a very new recipe that I received - from a wedding of all places.

The recipe shows it came from Italy - handed down from a mom, to a daughter, who is now the grandmother of the bride - who I've known for 15 years. Family - comes in all dimensions, designs and directions. It is blood relatives, it is church family and it is the relationship that comes from being an employee to a great boss. The wedding included all of those categories, as Cassidy (and Jeremy) were at the wedding with me: the bride and her family have been church family since we arrived in Fort Worth, and many of the guests were part of that CareGroup that we so quickly came to know and love: and 2 of the other guests were bosses of mine. Amazing - how it was all intertwined. And how comfortable that it all fit together.

Since I love taking pictures, and a camera is always in my purse, I had one (ok, I had 3) at the wedding. While putting them all on a CD to give to the bride's family, Facebook calls. Hmm.. there's a wall post from Tyson.. responding to a question I asked about how he felt - and asking for pictures. Pictures we took from the State Fair this past weekend.... The 2nd year in a row (my 2nd and 3rd years ever, his 1st and 2nd ever) that we've gone to the Fair. (And we got to add Cassidy and Jeremy to our group - their 1st year ever). I have to admit - it's more than pictures - it's more than a State Fair. It's family. It's just the thought of walking around people that you've never met, that you'll never see again - taking fun pictures of places that you only see for a few hours a year. And of the 3 title categories, which is the most important? All of those things. Bosses, weddings, family. And having pictures of all of them - to hold on to the memories.

I think I need more pictures of DF, DH, MH and JH. I love my family: my husband, my children, my church, and my bosses. I wish everyone knew the Jewish carpenter - and counted Him as their ultimate boss, and brother. THAT Family. There's nothing like it.

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