Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wildflowers and a Wedding

Aren't the best trips the ones you plan at the last minute? That's the kind I've enjoyed the most the past 15 months.  After January 9, 2009, there have been many of those trips:  some very hard and some very fun.  Then there was one in January this year that was VERY hard and still VERY fun.  (Unloading a car full of my parent's "treasures" out at the ranch - after midnight - in the dark - in 14 degree temperature - with only a sweatshirt for warmth - unable to see just where we were placing those boxes inside the totally dark house.)  The one factor that remains consistent is that these trips have involved Cassidy and me.
This past weekend, our original plan was a day trip to Austin to a wedding.  But Thursday (2 days prior) it turned into a 30 hour, 700 mile road trip - traipsing (def : to walk or travel about without apparent plan but with or without a purpose) around Central Texas. :)
After a L-O-N-G very delayed trip (due to encountering 5 separate vehicle accidents on I-35), we saw many varied fields of flowers, stopped to take pictures and ended up at the Monument Cafe in Georgetown at 9:30 for dinner.   And guess what was going on in Georgetown?  The Red Poppy Festival was in full swing and we heard a bit of the band "Rotel and the Hot Tomatoes", while driving around (and around) the town.

Saturday morning we hit Highway 29 due west to Llano - to the 521 Ranch.  A stop at the granite "lot" procuring a piece of granite to place at Trooper's grave and we were on the way down FM 2323 - one of the premier roads for Texas wildflower sightings.  Eighteen miles of lush green pasture land, full green branches on trees, full ponds, bluebonnets, yellow bitterweed, and red Indian Paintbush flowers had us smiling from ear to ear. We could only keep saying, "Don't you know Papa would be loving all this?"
Realizing our time was fleeting, we "flew" back to our LaQuinta home in Georgetown, jumped in the shower and were all "made up" for the wedding in less than 40 minutes.  YES!  Two females:  from jeans and pasture clothes to wedding attire in 40 minutes - arriving at the wedding 20 minutes away, with 4 minutes to spare. I don't know if you and your daughter have these moments, but it is so fitting for Cassidy and me!
The groom was a dear friend of Cassidy's from college, who I am honored to know too.  It was fun for Cassidy to see several of her Harding friends and Shantih sisters - and in a blink of an eye - we were off again. ;)
Since we were on FM 1431 - it only made sense to keep driving west a couple of miles and tour our old neighborhood in Cedar Park.  Funny how after 15 years, some things never changed, except for our house.  The subdivision was the same - the pool was still there (sans the high diving board - which we both laughed at it being Tyson's fault ~ as he had several injuries there, including a broken nose and 911 call - from jumping off said high diving board), the streets were the same.  The 10-12 foot tall fort that my Daddy built from scrap lumber was still in the backyard.  THAT surprised us, as we're sure the house has been sold more than once since we moved. After a swing by Cassidy and Tyson's elementary school, we were "on the road again".  Noticing there was a huge construction project on our way south on I-35W, we made a detour and came home via I-35E, dropping Cassidy off at her apartment before 10:00 pm.

What a trip - more memories, more laughter and more pictures.  The trips that Cassidy and I make are indescrible - and we are thankful and blessed that we have husbands who understand (the best they can) the importance of these trips.  I've wondered where it really began - on mission trips when she was in junior high?  Trips I made to visit her those 4 years at Harding?  Trips back to Llano after my Daddy died?  The most fantastic trip to New York City?  The answer:  Yes - to all of those.  Each trip has been another beginning - a new chapter - another path on our journey.

I realize the uniqueness of our relationship - and I treasure each moment of those trips.  She can "bark" a statement ("put that down!" when I'm trying to clean up the hotel room before running out the door to the wedding yesterday) and I know where it comes from.  I can drive on the "road bumps" on the road and she laughs.  We know our heart, and each other's.   

Many families have riches and elegant houses.  Many families have large gatherings and holiday traditions that involve a full year of planning.  Many families have time shares on beaches or condos at ski slopes around the country.  For us, our house may not be elegant, but we are rich.  Our family is small (being an only child, our gatherings maxes out now at 6), but we love our "stockings at Christmas".  The closest we get to a full family vacation is my mom's family reunion one weekend at a RV park in May, but the time we spend is made perfect.  And the trips that Cassidy and I make are one of a kind special.  I wouldn't trade one of those trips for all the beach condo's or snow skiing in the world.

Thank you, Lord ~ for wildflowers, weddings and family.  In very unique times, all three come together into one wild trip.

(**Line of the trip:  "Pick and Choose Later!" - by Cassidy as I was trying to decide which flower(s) to pick from our ranch as a memento.  She grabbed a handful of color - roots and all.  Hmm.. what a statement of the whole trip!  The memories were so many that I'm still "picking and choosing"!**)

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