Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Missions on the Mind

We are 3 days out - 3 days from another mission extravaganza.... ...
My experience this summer will start in New Orleans. It's such a different feeling than I'm used to the first weekend in June. Normally, we head south - to Mexico - to tie rebar, mix and pour cement and help build a church. This year it's still about building a church - one of dry wall, windows and floors. But there's another church we go to build. One that has no tangible part - because it involves hearts and souls.

It will be an odd feeling in some ways, as we will be a smaller group, we'll have a third new leader in 3 years, and many faces I've come to know and love will not be with us. On the other hand, there will be opportunities that would not be available in another place. Excitement will build once we get on the road. It's just getting there, for there are still work days to complete, a tragic dental appointment to meet and one more painful yoga class to endure (hoping I'm able, after the dentist...).
There is also one great event to look forward to ~ dinner with the whole family. Friday night has become very precious to me - as the 6 of us gather to enjoy a meal and each other - somewhere neutral and fun. It's a time that also reminds me that we are still missing one member - one that always was so predictable that we still laugh about it. Daddy. His preference was to eat lunch at noon, and dinner at 5:00. With Tyson's schedule, we rarely eat before 7:00, and that would have distressed Daddy greatly.
But that's another post - maybe one day when I can find better words to express feelings. I think I'm dealing with those emotions most of the time: until I'm not dealing with them at all.

So now, it's missions on the mind. Talking to a mom tonight about her son, and his lack of respect for her showed me why I still enjoy going. Yes, we build - walls, ceilings, floors, and more - but we also build confidence, love and support in some of these teens. My prayer tonight will be that I can move that one teen closer to his mom, closer to a successful life, and ultimately, closer to his Savior.

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